In order for our university to take its prestigious place among the world universities, journals in which scientific articles are published, which are the most important means for academicians to share their research and applications scientifically worldwide, have important duties. For this purpose, the goal of our Coordinatorship is to ensure that our scientific journals carry out successful studies and to support scientific journals towards this goal by ensuring that they are scanned first in ULAKBIM TR INDEX and then in indexes such as SCI, SSCI, AHCI, ESCI, SCOPUS.
Our Coordination Office ensures the communication and co-operation between the scientific journals within our University, the coordination and exchange of information between other scientific journals within and outside the University. It provides technical support for the studies to be carried out by scientific journals and works to meet the needs that may arise. Encourages the work of scientific journals, develops projects and methods for this purpose. It works to promote and help promote scientific journals. It offers solutions to solve the problems faced by scientific journals and presents them to stakeholders when necessary. It primarily supports scientific journals to publish with a focus on quality and transparency, and for this purpose, it informs stakeholders inside or outside the University, especially academic staff, when necessary.